Τhe Department of Nursing
is a member of the Florence Network
Periodic internal evaluation
The Department of Nursing has an internal quality assurance system within the University of Thessaly. The audit and the annual internal evaluation of the Department are carried out so that through monitoring and possible corrections, the set objectives are achieved, resulting in a continuous improvement. In the context of the above actions, all participating parties are informed.

According to the process map for quality assurance policy, which describes the process of "Preparation, submission, and discussion of the Annual Evaluation Report by the Departments," at the end of the academic year, the Internal Evaluation Team ensures that the faculty members and the other teachers of the Department complete the Inventory of the Course and the Inventory of the Instructor. The Secretariat fills in the corresponding fields of the Annex of the Annual Evaluation Report in the Information System of MODIP, enters additional data concerning the operation of the Department, and monitors the flow of the process.
Whenever is necessary, the Internal Evaluation Team is assisted in its work by the other members of the teaching staff and the Department's administrative staff. At a meeting of the Assembly, at the beginning of each academic year, the President introduces information on ESA as a topic. During the discussion of the topic, Internal Evaluation Team briefly presents the Report's content to follow a discussion of the members of the Assembly on the progress of the Department and the undertaking of possible actions to upgrade the educational and research project. Approved ESAs are posted online.
Evaluation of teaching staff by the students
The evaluation of the didactic work by the students (see Appendix B16) is performed through a special questionnaire and the electronic processing system of the University. The evaluation is conducted from the 10th to the 13th teaching week of each semester. Students fill in anonymous electronic questionnaires with questions evaluating the course, the teacher's teaching method, and the tools used. The data are entered in the electronic system, while the results of the evaluation and the statistical data per answer are sent to the teachers/subjects after the processing. In this way, the results are made known to the teachers, who have the opportunity to improve their teaching practices, taking into account the evaluations. In addition to the teacher, the President of the Department has access to the results of the evaluation, and the results according to the current legislation are taken into account in the process of development of faculty members and recruitment of teaching staff.
Student Assessment
The PPS of the Department of Nursing is oriented towards student-centered learning, teaching, and assessment enhances the motivation of female students, self-assessment, and their active participation in the learning process. The implementation of the PPS of the Department of Nursing and the evaluation of its results with emphasis on the application of student-centered learning and teaching is constantly monitored in order to:

a) ensuring respect for the diversity of female students by taking care of their diverse needs and adopting flexible learning directions;
b) the study and use of different ways of theoretical teaching,
c) the use of a variety of pedagogical methods in a flexible way;
d) the regular evaluation of the ways of teaching and application of pedagogical methods, allowing regulatory and improving interventions in their formulation and application;
e) the regular evaluation of the quality and the effectiveness of the teaching work, as documented in particular by its evaluation by the students;
f) enhancing the student's sense of autonomy while ensuring adequate guidance from his / her teachers;
(g) promoting mutual respect in their relationship; and
h) the implementation of procedures to manage student complaints and requests.
To achieve the above objectives, it is ensured:
(a) the complete information of all parties involved on the details of the existing examination system and methods;
b) the prior publication of evaluation criteria and methods;
c) to provide information and advice to students about the learning process, recognizing that their evaluation reflects the degree of achievement of the expected learning outcomes;
d) the most objective evaluation of female students in a coherent, fair and in accordance with the established procedures; and
e) the possibility of student objections according to a relevant formal procedure.